What is the “one-in-one-out” rule of decluttering?

The steps behind the “one-in-one-out” rule are really quite simple: for every new item that comes into your home, a similar item must leave. This idea seems to have started within the “minimalists” movement as a way to keep your belongings to a minimum. However, the rule is now applied more broadly to people trying to maintain an organized home and is a common decluttering practice. 

Benefits of the “one-in-one-out” rule:

  1. Creates more mindful shopping habits: When you follow this rule, it helps you make better decisions about what you are bringing into your home because you know you will have to part with something else. Even this slight pause can help you walk away from an impulse buy, or make you think twice about buying something similar to what you already have. This process will also end up saving you money!

  2. Helps you make decisions about what you really enjoy: If you know every new item is going to force you to get rid of something you already own, it will help you figure out what possessions you truly love. Appreciating what you own will lead to more feelings of abundance and less feelings of scarcity. Something that can improve you overall outlook on life too.

  3. Keeps balance in your home: This practice of getting rid of an equal number of items as you bring in helps maintain order in your home and prevents you from accumulating clutter. You become more aware of what you have in your home and have a better idea of what is a “want” versus a “need”. It will help you keep a better balance between the stuff you have and the space you need.

How this rule is also helpful for kids

This rule is also a great rule to teach children at a young age, especially as we head into the holiday season. Explaining to children that when we bring a new treasured item into the house, it means that something else that we once treasured is ready to be something new for a different person. Normalizing the idea of decluttering and donating the things we no longer need can help children have reasonable expectations for how much “stuff” should be in our spaces. This is a great way to teach the practice of decluttering and letting go.

The limitations of this rule, or how to take it a step further

While this rule is a good general rule to follow, it doesn’t actually help you decrease the amount of belongings in your home, but it simply keeps the amount of belongings from growing. If you are really wanting to decrease the “Stuff” in your house, then you can still use this rule, but change the math. Make this rule the “one-in-two-out” rule, or even better, the “one-in-five-out” rule. 

The one-in-one-out rule can be a powerful tool for keeping your life organized and clutter-free. By being mindful about what you bring into your space and intentional about what you let go of, you can create a more peaceful and functional environment for yourself.

Happy Sprucing!


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